Spirit Fitness

ERG500ROWER There are few exercises available that work as many muscle groups through as wide a range of motion as rowing. Simply put, it is the best low-impact, full-body workout available! The advanced design of the XTERRA ERG500 air turbine converts wind power into resistance to closely simulate the action of rowing. The conveniently located lever adjustment features 8 resistance levels which regulate the airflow out of the air turbine. This allows you to quickly and easily control your resistance during your workout. Performance features include a sturdy steel frame design to limit frame flex, dual aluminum slide rails for smooth action, large contoured seat, padded row handle with convenient holder, and flexing foot pedals that allow you to maintain proper form by pivoting with your every movement. Console feedback provides time, distance, strokes/min, count, calories, pulse, and a visual stroke display graphic. When you are not using your ERG500 rower, simply fold it up and wheel it out of the way.