C A R D I O Features: • This powerful rowing machine offers eight levels of resistance for a customizable and satisfying cardio workout. • Two adjustable floor platforms with straps allow any trainer to row in total comfort and safety while a foam-padded seat helps you to keep pushing through even the toughest workouts. • Track your workout with the easy-to-read computer display that offers time, speed, distance, calories burned, and RPM setting. • A solid steek frame ensure that the MARCY NS-6050RE Turbine Rower will move smoothly and last for years to come. • Transport wheels and a foldable design for portability make this ideal for any home gym. M O D E L : N S - 6 0 5 0 R E D E S C R I P T I O N : F A N R OW E R B R A N D : M A R C Y F A C T O R Y : 5 X NS-6050RE CARDIO NS-6050RE Demo Video